The Ricarti Group – 60-hour Medical Interpreting Training Curriculum
The Ricarti Group – 60-hour Medical Interpreting Training Curriculum
Course Work
The course is designed to be self-paced. Although it is divided into four modules, and you are encouraged to complete one module a week, it is up to the student and the amount of time she or he has to devote to studying.
1) Lectures: Lectures are all pre-recorded and correspond to each slide of the presentation. It is important that students listen to all the lectures for supplemental information for the presentation.
2) Quizzes and the Final Exam: Quizzes will be given at the end of each of the four modules. After completion of the four modules, a written final exam must be taken. The final exam will be multiple choice, 50 questions, and require a passing grade of 70% in order to receive a certificate of completion for the course.
3) Discussion Forum: Open discussion forum for all students. This will be the opportunity to discuss with one of the coaches any questions or concerns you might have. Participation is voluntary, but students are encouraged to participate.
4) Coaching Sessions: All training or mentoring sessions take place on a schedule agreed to between the participants and coaches. During these sessions, students will concentrate on medical vocabulary and will have the opportunity to practice role plays. The coaching sessions will last one hour. Students are encouraged to participate to gain practical experience in medical interpreting and practice geared toward the national exam.
Course Requirements
Access to a computer -- this can be a PC or a MAC, but it helps when the hardware and OS are relatively up to date (no more than one OS or browser update behind the most current version). Students with older hardware have struggled to view and interact with the course material and to join our web conferences.
A headset or a computer with a good microphone and speakers -- headset is recommended since there is less risk of feedback during the web conferences. Be sure to configure your computer to send audio to the headset. Sometimes this happens automatically, but occasionally you'll need to check to make sure your mic isn't muted or that sound isn't muted or that other settings are configured to route audio through the headset.
Web conferencing will be hosted over Zoom. It is useful to install the web client before your first session.